Become an AFFILIATE is FREE and immediate. Nothing to pay or to set before. You just need to register on the form and login to access the program with the referral code iFqspP (case sensitive). If you are alone to do it, you will be a “first line”. If you register with a referral link from a friend use the referral code furnished by your Affiliate and you will automatically become a referee of him.

What is the cycle and the target ?

NOTA BENE : by “COMMISSION” it’s mean a complete process done before being validate the commission cycle. For each referee, the referral bonus for sign-up is due when your referee has :

  1. Registered under you on MLM system
  2. Registered on Linework app (Android or Apple Store)
  3. personalized his profile (picture/avatar and Cover/bio)
  4. and make a first post.

How to register ?

NOTA BENE : Please, before registering remember to open a private window to avoid previous “cookies” and succeed with the register procedure.

  1. Register your self using the referral link of your friend or without
  2. After registering make a first login session
  3. Click on “become an affiliate”
  4. You have done !

What is my Gain ?

Linework has a multi level earning in 4 levels remuneration model. Every level has a commission type as follow :

The earning commission are set in base of several bonus according the number of purchase you have completed. So you can earn for each purchase 35% of direct commission paid in EUR or USD in your bank account + a Stock Option according the table below. If you reach the 20° level, you will be also able to convert your stock option is shares of the Linework USA, Inc, a Delaware company which will be listed on the NASDAQ exchange in 2026.

Each commission accepted in your dashboard is immediately withdrawal in your bank account via bank transfer with your IBAN or payable in USDT, BTC or ETH in-app if you want it or in your external wallet.

What type of gains I may have ?

Selling a product make several type of commission and stock-option plan :

Commission Plan – How much I earn?

  • [2$] Sharing link bonus
  • [35%] Selling a product commission (first level)
  • [5$] Signup Bonus
  • [1$] Pay Per Click
  • [5$] Performance Bonus
  • [1$] Open a URL link
  • [35%] Own Referral bonus

How to create a Coupon ?

NOTA BENE, when you have reached at least $200 in you wallet, instead ask to payout you can generate from your Overview Panel a coupon usable for buying product on the marketplace as follow:

Stock-Option plan

According the Multi Level marketing Plan, the LINEWORK USA INC, company will provide to the best vendors and referrals, packs of preferred stock of the company. The preferred stock gives right on the company and activate payments of dividends bi-annual every year based on the turnover of the global company and global revenue on your own network.

Every 2 months the best sellers will also receive an invitation of the company event in which a prize and bonuses will be distributed according the worldwide classification of sellers.

1°. 350 S.O

2°. 900 S.O

3°. 1,300 S.O

4°. 1,500 S.O

5°. 2,000 S.O

6°. 2,500 S.O

7°. 3,000 S.O

8°. 3,500 S.O

9°. 4,000 S.O

10°. 4,500 S.O

20°. 20,000 S.O*

30°. 30,000 S.O*

40°. 40,000 S.O*

50°. 50,000 S.O*

60°. 60,000 S.O*

70°. 70,000 S.O*

80°. 80,000 S.O*

90°. 90,000 S.O*

100°. 100,000 S.O*

200°. 500,000 S.O*